Cool NETtersIndustrial ServicesSkills That Sell And How To Acquire Them
Cool NETtersIndustrial ServicesSkills That Sell And How To Acquire Them
Industrial Services

Skills That Sell And How To Acquire Them

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Make no mistake; in today’s job market it’s all about marketing yourself and your skills. You essentially have to know how to brand yourself and convince a potential employer to hire you over someone else. There are certain things that agencies and companies look for these days and these qualities and qualifications can be cultivated. Here is a look at what they are and how you can acquire them before you hit the job market with that CV of yours.

Leadership Skills
It doesn’t really matter anymore whether or not you are a leader or a follower. While both are necessary for any organization or institute to work smoothly, everyone is expected to have leadership skills in order to be ready to fill in for any role that becomes vacant. Being a leader includes being responsible for your decisions, being responsible for others, knowing how to manage projects, laser clay pigeon shooting Sydney among a group working under you, public speaking and other such skills. Most companies look for evidence from your previous job to find out whether or not you have these skills. If you feel you don’t however, all you have to do is sign up at a leadership camp, retreat or adventure park which usually offer tailored programmes designed to inculcate these values and skills in you.

Working as a Group
As mentioned before, team building activities Brisbane and skills are absolutely essential. We are moving away from 90’s mentality of “every man for himself” and moving towards a group environment in society once again. Individuality is encouraged, but only so far as it doesn’t interfere with the larger programme. You have to be a team player, listen to others and find a way to work with rather than work over colleagues. If someone has a better idea than you, you have to be able to accept that with grace. Once again, corporate retreats are usually designed to foster team spirit among groups so going on one is a great way to connect with your colleagues.

Innovation and Creativity
While our school systems are designed to churn out cookie-cutter moulds of humanity, out there in the corporate (and other) markets, they encourage creativity, innovation and out-of-the-box thinking over ‘follow-the-leader’ style work. This is because the ones with the “crazy” ideas are the ones who are usually the cause for change – good change at that. Everyone in this world is good at something. It can be sports, aesthetics or something else. What you need to do is figure out how to turn that into a marketable skill. If you are good with arts and crafts, call yourself a passionate worker and creative thinker; if you play a group sport, emphasize that you know how to work in harmony with others; and if you dance, sing or draw, show them that you can make anything more attractive to a customer.

Hi, I’m Ailin Ontiveros